Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
We give thanks for the presence of Allah SWT, for His grace and guidance so that we can still serve the community, especially in the field of neurological health in Indonesia. The Association of Indonesian Neurologists (PERDOSNI) will hold the PERDOSSI National Scientific Meeting (PIN) on 30th May - 2nd June 2024, in Surabaya with the theme Topics “Unlocking Recent Evidence and Practice Guidelines : Bridging the Gap with Indonesia context.”. The theme proposed by the committee is very appropriate in accordance with the development of neurology services which lately quite prosper and accelerate so agile.
This scientific activity is very important and beneficial for the cultivation of doctors, especially colleagues and neurologists throughout Indonesia. I am sure PIN PERDOSNI Surabaya 2024 will be very interesting because it has updated topics in the fields of stroke, neurointervention, neuroimaging, neurootology & neuroophthalmology, neurorestoration & neuroengineering, neuroepidemiology, and presented by national and international experts in their fields.
Finally, I would like to thank the committee and other parties who will be involved in this event, I hope we are all in good health and can participate directly at PIN PERDOSNI Surabaya 2024.
See you in Surabaya.
Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Chairman of the PERDOSNI
Dr. Dodik Tugasworo P., dr., Sp.N. Subsp. NIIOO(K)., MH.,Kes